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White wine Terras Gauda Albariño

White wine Terras Gauda Albariño

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White wine Albariño Terras Gauda. It stands out for its pleasant entrance on the palate, moving towards a pleasant and sweet unctuousness. View more

  • Sku 201916

White wine Terras Gauda Albariño

It is the avant-garde, the referent of the winery, which does not sacrifice a bit of quality despite its large volumes. Terras Gauda is the convincing demonstration that the noble Albariño mixed with the Loureiro and the infrequent white Caíño delivers between the most gastronomic and pleasant versions of the cheerful white wines of Rías Baixas.
The added two thousand fifteen, considered among the warmest of the last twenty-five years in the area, has given a wine that is a clear reflection of the add, giving 2 supposedly contradictory peculiarities: it is a complex wine simpler to take.


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